
The pandemic caused massive changes to teaching and learning in the higher education. The experience has also influenced teachers on how to design and revise the curriculum for better learning.
Teaching and Learning Community of Practice (T&L CoP) invites you to join our 90-minute webinar to learn how our fellow teachers rethink their course design in different disciplines. An open floor discussion will be arranged at the end of the webinar for our four guest speakers to interact with audience after their sharing:
Visualizing Active Learning Processes and Outcomes
by Professor Thomas Kin-fung CHIU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The pandemic brought many challenges in higher education, and also encouraged us to rethink our instructional design. Using digital media and technologies will create new student learning experiences. A picture is worth a thousand words. In this presentation, Professor Thomas Chiu will share the affordance and challenges of active learning and his design model, and how he promotes the learning processes and outcomes through visualization.
Creating an Online Learning Community through a Virtual ‘Academic Conference’
by Professor Kevin Wai Ho YUNG, The Education University of Hong Kong
This presentation showcases how an online learning community can be created through an assessment task of poster presentation in a virtual ‘academic conference’. A series of online formative assessment tasks are designed to facilitate students’ preparation for the poster, and a post-conference task engages students in critical dialogue with their teacher and peers. This presentation offers pedagogical implications for enhancing communication through an online community of student learning.
Interdisciplinary Co-Teaching: Strategies for Curriculum Design
by Professor Adam KIELMAN and Professor Gregory MOSS, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Adam Kielman (Music) and Professor Gregory Moss (Philosophy) discuss their experiences in designing a new interdisciplinary co-taught faculty package course, ‘Introduction to Music and Philosophy’. They introduce strategies for bridging disciplinary perspectives in course design, approaches to collaborative curriculum development, and tools for developing engaging classroom activities that teach students how to think through and across disciplines.
Date & Time
14 December 2021 (Tuesday), 2:30 pm to 4:00 p.m.
Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Professor Thomas Kin-fung CHIU
Member, CUHK Teaching and Learning Community of Practice
Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Associate Director, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Adam KIELMAN
Assistant Professor, Department of Music
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Gregory MOSS
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Kevin Wai Ho YUNG Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction The Education University of Hong Kong
Zoom (This event will be held using Zoom video conferencing software. The Zoom login link and passcode will be provided to successful registrants.)
Teaching and Learning Community of Practice
Medium of Instruction
Registration (Closed)
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